Appolot Family, new provider

A little anecdote before proceeding to the presentation of the Appollot Family.

Claude, on a trip to France, being in Saint-Émilion, visits the

vineyard of Clos Trimoulet and met Mr. Appollot who

in the conversation tells him that his company cannot

quantitatively provide the SAQ and this is the main reason for

which we do not find its wines in Quebec. Well, Claudius

having joined the VCA team, thirteen years later, the Clos

Trimoulet and Château Chevalier Saint-Georges are now

available in Quebec.


The Appollot family has been running Clos Trimoulet for six generations

Today, the reins of the company are entrusted to Joël and Alain

which perpetuate the tradition and the exploitation of the vineyards.

Le Clos Trimoulet is located in the heart of the Saint-Émilion appellation

while Château Chevalier Saint-Georges is located in

the Montagne-Saint-Émilion appellation. These wines are certified Haute

Environmental Value (HVE) for two years, demonstrating their

concern for the respect of the environment


Clos trimoulet, Saint-Émilion grand cru appellation, comes from a

terroir with clayey and sandy soils which gives it structure,

longevity and finesse and makes it a wine for laying down.

Blend of Merlot (80%) Cabernet Franc (10%) and Cabernet grape varieties

Sauvignon (10%), the wine is aged in oak barrels, 50% of which are

new and bottled at the property from 18 months.


Château Chevalier Saint-Georges, appellation

Montagne-Saint-Émilion, has a grape variety of 90% Merlot and 10%

Cabernet. Vinified and aged similarly to Clos Trimoulet, it is however a

wine with a different character and personality and this due to

exposure of the vineyard and its clay soil.

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